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Wacom Bamboo Touch Tablet

It’s been a long time since there’s been a major change in a product line from tablet maker Wacom.  All that has changed though.  If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, Wacom makes tablets that allow you to draw naturally on a computer.  Using a piezoelectric pen, the harder you press on the surface, the thicker the line, or the heavier the ink flow, which makes the old days of trying to draw with a mouse seem positively comical. The last time Wacom introduced something revolutionary as opposed to…

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Crossover Crisis: Swap Thing!

Saving a parallel Swap Universe from jackbooted copyright thugs and bad Hollywood event movies! One ripped disc at a time. Reviewed in this episode: Transformers 2, Valkyrie, and the Daredevil: Director’s Cut. A crossover crisis mashing rgbFIlter with the Laroquod Experiment. NO COPYRIGHTS WERE INFRINGED IN THE CAPTURE OF THIS VIDEO. But to the extent possible under law, we (rgbFilter and the Experiment) waive all of our copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work, and grant them immediately to the Public Domain, via the Creative Commons.

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Paul, a sometime contributor to rgbFilter (and part of the rgbFilter podcast team) has released a short version of the first episode of Hypothecast. The podcast is a discussion of the process of making his Hypothesis web comic using photographs, Photoshop filters, and Comic Life. A more complete version of the video, along with a number of other goodies, will be available in limited print edition of Hypothesis. As full disclosure, I’m in this podcast, and will be contributing to the first volume of Hypothesis.

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