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Raindance Canada One Night Stands 2009

As the title suggests, Raindance Canada has a new series of course for the film maker in you. Our own Dave Lei has attended many Raindance events in the past, and can’t speak highly enough of them.

Short, Sharp Essential Classes for Filmmakers – a great way to start your filmmaking year!

Raindance Canada is offering a unique series of Wednesday evening classes beginning January 28th – February 25th as part of the Filmmakers Foundation Certificate Series, an investment of only $39.99 + GST in your film future!

Taken individually, these 5 courses cost $199.95 + GST Filmmakers Foundation Certificate – all 5 classes for the total of $159.96 + GST

Navigating Cannes: How to submit, what to expect, how to work the premier festival, and how to extend the life of Cannes to benefit your film career internationally.

Sound Effects on A No Budget: If It Sounds Right, It Is Right: Sound recording – it’s all so technical, or is it? Learn how to think outside the (recording) box, and save time and money by avoiding big mistakes.

The Art of Action: How to stage, film and edit action scenes, including martial arts, sword fighting and your basic rock ‘em sock ‘em fight scene!

The Essentials of Entertainment Law: There’s money in film, and where there is money, there are contracts and where there are contracts, there are lawyers, or at the very least, law. Learn the ins and outs of how to protect your property and how to make money doing so.

The Triple Threat:
Camera, Editing and Production: From a script comes film, lots of film, too much or too little if you don’t know what you are doing. From shooting economically, to editing with focus and production essentials, a need to know course before you say rolling.

Register early as these workshops are offered one night only and available space is limited!

For more information on the above workshops, as well as the benefits of Raindance Canada membership, please visit our website at

Raindance Canada Membership is FREE too!! Just send an email with your name to

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One thought on “Raindance Canada One Night Stands 2009

  1. 201809 182502A genuinely exciting examine, I could possibly not concur entirely, but you do make some genuinely legitimate points. 899880

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